Yep, here I Chicago!!! Woohoo! I'm here with my BF, Annette (she's the one in the picture:), who has a medical conference and I came along as her "guest" - she spends her days in mid-wifery classes and I spend my days on my laptop *without the guilt*, catching up on my art mags, reading my book and watching re-runs of Law and doesn't get much better than that! I met her for lunch yesterday at the Billy Goat Tavern which was the inspiration for the SNL skit "cheezburger cheezburger" - she loved it! And then she went to class and I found my favorite shop on Michigan Avenue, Chiaroscuro, and browsed around in there. Didn't leave until I had spent about 70 dollars.....but I figure it was cheaper than browsing around Armani's - LOL. This afternoon we're taking the 'architectural river cruise' through the three tributories of the river that runs through downtown Chicago - we'll get the history on all of the old buildings that make up downtown - I cannot wait! It's going to be amazing. Then tonight her conference is having a fund raiser performance (that means expensive tickets!). SECOND CITY is performing - it's gunna be so cool! AND funny! We will definately eat at Topo Gigio's and Gigio's Pizza before we leave town and I would like to take her to Lincoln Park to check out the shops there.
This is a wonderful get away *you should see our hotel* and I'll post more pictures later:)
I am so excited to get this magnet finished! Actually, it's 20 magnets to be given as party favors to family that attends a surprise 80th birthday week at Lake Michigan for my mom in June....I think they turned out precious and am so excited about them. The photo is an old photograph of my mother and I think it is absolutely adorable!
I'm working on a large collage for my mom and will post pictures of it after it's finished - I'm almost there! It's turned out better than I could hope and I'm so excited about it!!
I leave on Friday for Chicago. My BF and I are going for five days.....she has a convention thing to go to and I'm going along - yippee! I'm loading up on all of those art magazines that I haven't found time to read and so look forward to vegging out with them while she's at meetings:) Then we'll terrorize Chicago properly - I've been twice so kind of know what is worth Michigan Avenue! LOL
I'm going to list some things on Etsy this week so must get busy!
I've been what do I do??? I have absolutely no idea how to tag someone so I'm simply going to post my seven facts and thank Astrid for tagging me - no, I mean it, thanks really, I'm serious.....
1. I'm 53 years old and unless I look in the mirror or move in any manner or fashion, I think I'm 24....
2. I've completely lost my hair but my wig is so real looking that I get compliments on my haircut almost every day! What a hoot!!
3. I've translated the Bible into five languages.
4. Kidding
5. I am totally blessed and know it.
6. I wear an ear cuff mostly just to shake people up.
OMG, I've done it! It's finished! ....the move from my free standing studio to the breeze way of our house..... My studio/shop has been located in an old 1930's barn on our ranch and when I took it over as my studio we added insulation and made the inside look like the outside - an old 1930's barn....It was perfect; I loved it. Loved, loved, loved it! Over the last few years it has taken on leaks that we can't find and the large cracks in the cement floor have gotten bigger and started seeping....needless to say, not a good thing for a paper artist! Damp and humid are not my friends! LOL So we made the decision to move me to the house and after two very long days of purging and moving I am now totally set up in the large breezeway (my computer, scanner and printer are in the computer room off of the breezeway) of our house and..........I think I'm going to like it!!! I am totally going to miss my polka dot barn, omg, so much, but I am blessed to have this area of our home to set up shop in and am very happy about that. This is a picture of the door into my new studio area....