I spent this last weekend with four of my closest friends from college. All five of us were sorority sisters at Oklahoma State University; we are KD's. We are also five friends that have gotten together every year for the last 25 years for a long weekend of shopping. We've helped the economy in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nevada and Texas. This year was my turn to host and I let them experience San Antonio and Fredericksburg, Texas, or should I say that S.A. and Fredericksburg experienced US?? We had such a fabulous time! We always do!! I swear, I laugh more this weekend every year than I do any other time of the year! One thing that we did that was totally the hit was to take a beading class at a bead store in Fredericksburg on Friday night. The owner, Shelli, graciously offered to teach us a private class when she heard about our gathering. So, on Friday night we met at the Garden of Beaden (https://www.shellivandegriftdesigns.com/) and Shelli struggled to teach us how to make a tumbleweed pendant! We had so much fun that we almost didn't get finished! Shelli's a hoot and such a wonderful teacher that she made the evening a real treat. I'm posting two pictures of our finished product so that you can see what an awesome piece of sterling silver jewelry we made in just one evening!!
The weekend went by entirely too quickly and now we're all back at our homes until next year...............oh, want to know where we're going next year??? Get this.................SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO! OH MY GOSH!!!
I am so excited!!! OMG, I did it. I not only finished uploading all that I had ready onto my Etsy website, I took a drive with my sister-in-law (visiting from Ohio - yes, I just spend two weeks up north with HER......we're close, what can I say?) in my convertible with the top down and we drove down some ranch roads looking for good photo ops. Found some, too. I'll save those for another post. Right now I want to show you one of the things I uploaded onto my Etsy store. It's an ATC holder and it comes with these eight ATC's. This is my first attempt at ATC's and I'm very pleased with the outcome. I had fun making this project actually. The first photo is of the holder with the ATC's inside and all tied up. The second picture is of just the holder and is made out of a designer folder - most of what I used to make this project I bought as a kit of "stuff" from my blogger, Etsy, ZNE friend, Astrid - it was the first thing I bought after opening my Etsy store. So, thanks to Astrid I attempted my first ATC's and ATC holder:) And, the third picture is of the ATC cards. I'm so happy to be finished with this project and to have it and a bunch more uploaded into my store so now I can create something new!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
It tickles me every day when I think about what I've planned for my day and I find myself at about 3 p.m. and NOTHING I had planned has been accomplished! God does that to me just about every day and I can just picture him blowing some sort of liquid out of His nose as He laughs at me and my plan making!! Well, today he obviously decided to give me a break and all college financial aid problems and computer problems appeared to be solved and I was able to actually sit down in my studio and upload about 20 new items onto my Etsy store. I had the choice of that or creating something new. I came to my senses and realized that unless I get my creations uploaded into my store that I'm simply creating for 'me'! That's a good thing until I remember the financial aid problems are for two boys in college......LOL
I invite you to my etsy store, www.jthom03.etsy.com, to check out my newest items!! And, I'll have even more listed by next week.