The AMAZING, TALENTED and VERY FUNNY Jan Thomason (that'd be me - thank you, Lennea) presented me with the FIRST EVER CREATIVE SNIT AWARD!!!!!!!!
Unlike many other blogging awards, THIS award requires much thoughtful deliberation and strict adherence to the following CREATIVE SNIT AWARD criteria.
This award shall be presented only to worthy artists who have shown evidence of being in a creative snit. To help with the selection, we need a common frame of reference. I found this definition of snit: snit - noun. a state of agitated irritation; "she was in a snit.". However, I think a CREATIVE SNIT requires a somewhat different definition....creative snit - noun. a state of creative chaos, creative frustration, or a state of obsessive creativity: "she was in a creative snit.". Therefore, worthy recipients of this prestigious award should demonstrate one or more of the following criteria: 1) photos of their chaotic creative studio spaces (see my blog for example). 2) reports of staying up till the wee hours of the morning while consuming large amounts of coffee and/or chocolate in order to finish a swap or prepare for a show. 3) documented frustration over the creative process. 4) evidence of a large quantity of art created over a small period of time. 5) photos of the recipient at vendor night at any art retreat because it goes without saying that ALL attendees at such events are either in, or will soon be, in a creative snit.
6) (created especially for Jan) witnessing the recipient in a SNIT at a CREATIVE EVENT!
(note: Jan is a lovely, kind and generous person, who would not normally qualify for this award - However after traveling several hours on a plane to Art & Soul, she arrived at the hotel in the wee hours of the morning only to discover that THEY HAD GIVEN HER ROOM AWAY! And, they didn't have any rooms available!
I am quite honored to be the FIRST EVER recipient of this most prestigious award. Thank you Jan!!!
AND now, I award the following AMAZING and TALENTED artists with the INAUGURAL CREATIVE SNIT AWARD!!!!!!!
Jan Thomason -
Whew. . . . .see why I didn't try to write all Lennea had to say??? LOL So, as the creator of this prestigious award I deem to bestow it upon the following artists: Now understand, I'm ASSUMING that the following artists will in some way qualify for the CREATIVE SNIT AWARD!!
Angela - http://re-angelarae.blogspot.com/
YoLisaLisa - http://www.bloggingqueen.com/
Michelle - http://faeriedustdreams-michelle.blogspot.com/
Laurie - http://loudlife-laurieblaumarshall.blogspot.com/
Cheryl - http://roseyposeyconfections.blogspot.com/
And, girls, you keep this award going by awarding it to those artists that you know that would get a kick out of it.........and be deserving at the same time!)