Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How do I explain where I've been these last two days?
Why I haven't posted a BLESSING yesterday or today?
Why I'm not going to post now that I'm here; that I'm just going to crawl into bed?
I'm simply going to say, "sorry" and "please forgive me".
And, hopefully you love me as much as I think you do and you'll accept my apology.
So, all that's left to say is, "thank you" and "goodnight, I'll be back tomorrow."
Love, Jan
Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007
The paint color, for instance, took many trips to Sherwin-Williams trying in vain to get the right color of brown. Every time I would go in to their store and try to explain what I wanted, I came home with a color that reminded me more and more of the color of flesh.
Jeffrey Dahmer would have loved these colors.
Finally, and to the delight of our contractor *they can get so snippy*, I had a brilliant idea!
I went to the chicken house, grabbed a brown egg, drove to Sherwin-Williams, pulled the salesman out of the broom closet I saw him run into when I drove up, and told him to picture the brown egg held up in front of a herd of goats..............THAT was the color I was looking for!
Now, was that so hard??? Look at those brown walls - perfect.
You're looking at the living room from the entry hall in this first picture.

And I must tell you.....when we remodeled the "big house" as we call it, we had to take it down to the studs. Frank the Tank mumbles to this day that it would have been cheaper to build a new house....
The hardwood floors are original.....
The "coffee table" is an old beat up table from the basement of an 1800's department store in downtown Kerrville, Schreiner's Department Store, that closed this summer. We love it!
This is the southeast corner of the living room - you can see into the entry hall in this picture........When we took it down to the studs we discovered that there was no insulation in the front, south-facing, walls. This is because the cold wind would blow out of the north - most houses in south Texas built in the late 40's and early 50's didn't have insulation in the south walls. I thought that was interesting.
This bookcase was original *except for the doors*. If you stand in just the right spot and look at them you can see that they're a wee bit crooked.......you're looking at the northeast corner of the living room.
The fireplace next to the bookcase is original and was built using the same stone as the exterior of the house......and if you look above the fireplace at the picture hanging......it's an original oil in the original chipped and warped frame. On the back of the painting it describes the scene, a snow storm, the year it was painted and the owner's name, a resident of Center Point. I "did" the entire room around this painting.
This leather chair sits at the end of the fireplace at the entrance into the dining room and kitchen area.
This very old armoire from Mexico is on the west wall of the living room and houses our television......though it's big enough to hide a body. The thing is huge and according to my husband and all of his friends that helped move it in to the house, it's really heavy *grin*.
This is the cozy corner of the sitting area. Big fluffy down pillows that envelop you when you sit down....hmmmmm. I picked out the fabrics in an attempt to emulate the feeling of the Hill Country and really like all of the deep red color in the furniture and the window treatments.
I love this room and the feeling of "home" that it invokes. I tried really hard to make it a place where you would want to curl up under an afghan and visit or watch T.V. with someone you love, or if you were a bunch of teenager boys, you really couldn't hurt anything.
I think between the filthy chicken egg, the deep reds, leather, hardwood floors, paintings and window shutters that I was successful because, like I said, I love this room.
Saturday, November 24, 2007

He is my middle child, my middle blessing.
I have always referred to him as my "caring" child.
He has big muscles, is over six foot tall and yet, is my most tender hearted child.
He is kind, considerate, loves God, continually strives to be the best he can be, is thoughtful of everyone around him, has a passion for Michigan *go blue and gold!*, appreciates everything his daddy and I do for him, loves cats, and has a great laugh! Oh, and he's fun-ny!
The best thing about him is that when he comes home from college for a visit?
He lets me hug him for as long and as often as I want to.
Yeah, I know, too cool.
Today's blessing?...............
BLAKERS - MY MIDDLE CHILD - I'm so blessed to be his mom.
Friday, November 23, 2007

Let's talk about me.

He's my dog.
We have three dogs here at the ranch and the way we are, we could have four tomorrow.
We will take in just about any stray but no matter how many dogs we have, Ben will always be mine.
I love dogs! I love all three of our pups, but Ben is very special to me.
I got him from the Humane Society a year ago. He was bigger than I thought I would ever pick, but I fell in love with him when I first saw him.
He's an older dog, I would guess about 12 years old, has had heart worms twice (before we took him) and had been adopted and brought back twice because he was "over-aggressive".
None of that deterred me - I even thought that the over-aggressiveness might be a really good thing since the two dogs we already owned were both yip-yips.
Ben has made a delightful addition to our family!
He is a wee bit aggressive with strangers and I think that' just fine!
He's my protector!! He follows me everywhere I go when I'm home....I leave one room and walk into another, he gets his fat self up and follows me into the next room without even waiting to see if I'm coming back!
When I'm working in the studio he lays right under foot...though he's in constant motion because he has yet to figure out that my chair is on rollers and I am all over the place when I work!
I adore Ben and am so happy that we were able to give an otherwise *maybe* unadoptable dog a home. He's not just my protector, he's my buddy and HE IS A TOTAL BLESSING!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I sincerely hope you spent the day with people that you love while remembering those that have no one; that you had a feast for supper yet remembered those who didn't have enough to eat yet again today; and that you realize how much God loves you even when you are unable to love yourself....
I had a fabulous day spent with my family and my best friend, Annette, and her family.
We were so blessed to all be together today! I just want to show you a couple of pictures that really represent our day.....and of course, they're all about FOOD.
We're such pigs!
Here's Frank the Tank taking care of his dessert.....
Annette made him his favorite pie for Thanksgiving - lemon meringue, and he was in his own little world as he enjoyed it!

It was so good that I made the suggestion that someone should invent a sucker that tastes like my dressing so that we could enjoy the flavor longer than our tummy is big!
(The idea was not well received - they're all just jealous)
When I asked Annette's son, Josh, what kind of pie he wanted he said, "all of them", so that's what he got! We took a picture first to show how yummy "all of them" looked - we call it "The Sampler"......what a good idea!
My day has been blessed with food, family, friends..............my boys are all home, Frank the Tank, his brother, John, I got to spend this special day with my best friend and her family........
Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Jan
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

She's Blake's age, 20, and has been his best friend forever. And, she's been a part of our family for what seems like forever, but she and I started getting close when she started working for me in the studio about three or four years ago.
We have such a good time together....she's a hoot, we love spending time just hanging out in the studio, going to movies, talking, taking rides in the convertible oh, and when I've been bed ridden, she'd come over and climb into my big ol' bed and we'll watch DVDs together - like "24" reruns (I own them all).
She's a dear and I adore her.
Friends have told me that I should have had a girl along with my three boys and I tell them,
"I do."
Happy Thanksgiving to all of the families that God made and to all of the families that He let US make! Jan
And I need to add a P.S. here -
P.S. I have one other "little girl" that I would be amiss if I didn't tell you about her.
Her name is Skyler and though she didn't come running over today when she smelled the cherry pie baking so she could have her picture taken for this post, she's just as dear to me as my Brat. Same age, same story except I didn't hook up with her until she started working for me in the studio about the same time Brat did - didn't know her before that.
Anyway, I'm thankful for both of my girls - Brat and Skyler - they're amazing kids!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I'm talking about my "art friends"!
And they're everywhere!
They're on blogs.
They're on Etsy.
They're at retreats.
They're in swaps.
They're in daily, weekly and monthly emails.
And they "get me"!
None of them live locally! My friends that live locally look at my work, nod their head and mumble, "mmmmhmmmm....". LOL
My art friends meet me where I am - creatively, artistically, emotionally.
I feel such a connection with each of you even if it's been weeks since we've "talked".....it doesn't matter......we just jump right back into the middle of the current puddle of paint and go from there.
I want to name you....those of you that mean so much to me.
I want you to see your name on my blog but am so afraid I'll forget someone because I'm old.
So I won't set myself up for embarrassment or anonymous comments and I'll simply say, "you know who you are"....
....you're the one that makes me smile when I see your name on a blog comment or better yet, an email!
....you're the one whom I share a very special connection with because we both love and worship the same God who connects us through our gift of art.
....you're the one that makes an effort to keep up with me through my blog posts and takes the time to leave a comment so I'll know that you were here!
....you're the one that I count as a dear friend and I've never even seen your face!
....you're the one that if I answered a knock at my door and it was you, I would be so excited that I'd probably pee right there!
....you're the one that read this entire post because you love me like I love you!
Blessings!! Jan
Monday, November 19, 2007
BLESSING #19.......

I haven't been in the zone since I got back from Art n Soul last month.
I've been sick(er), taking way more meds than I like to, lethargic, blah, blah, blah.

I'm posting these pictures to show you! LOL! I'm working on finishing a project from Art n Soul that, of course, should have been finished weeks ago! Oh, it's been so much fun this afternoon, getting each page ready to be assembled....I've picked out papers, figured out how to embellish, just been workin' on my art!
Sunday, November 18, 2007

but it was so appropriate!
He was titled!
He was sashed!
He was crowned!...
2007 Center Point High School Homecoming King!
I was so proud....as only a mother could be....my baby was a king!
And the girl on his arm...precious Sarah....what a perfect evening!
The evening opitomized my feelings about this king, my third child.
Clay is the last of my children and I am blessed by my third child.
The baby.
My precious 17 year old child who earned the nickname of "Smiley" early on when a friend commented that even when Clay was getting in trouble, he kept smiling.
I never did think too long about that comment.
That smile could have been a reflection on the severity of my punishments....
.....Clay was crowned homecoming king a week ago but he has always been a king to me.
He was the child we didn't think we were going to be able to have....it took three years to get pregnant with him and even at his birth he reigned supreme; not wanting to be ripped from the Queen Mother and having to be taken by force!
He has delighted his daddy and me for 17 years with his easy disposition and his riotous sense of humor!
He's laid back - not always a good thing - his bedroom's very scary.
Laid back * lazy * laid back * lazy.....depending on the day, I can go either way!
He adores sports, excels at basketball, loves to play tennis, can text with the best of them, and hates left-overs.
He respects his parents (now that he's past 13, 14 and 16 years old) and loves the Lord.
He's responsible, works with the small children at church on Sunday mornings, is co-captain of F.C.A. (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), is engaged to every 4 year old female in the pre-school class at our church and is friends with everyone.
He's a delight.
He's King Clay.
And he is my third heartbeat.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
DAY 17 of the

Then I left my sitting area - that's it above. I thought you might like a visual - the chair on the right is where I usually sit, laptop in lap, feet up on the ottoman...
Anyway, I left my sanctuary and wandered down the hall into the rest of the house.
I passed the main bath in the hall and my cleaning lady came out and told me that the tub was not draining, that the plumber had not fixed the problem, so, of course, she couldn't clean it.
Then I passed the guest room where I have about two dozen framed and sitting pieces of art to be put up so the decorating of that newly re-done bedroom will be finished, a pile of Christmas 'stuff' that is taking over a large corner of that bedroom (I admit that 'stuff' is not how I referred to it about 30 minutes ago), a closet that is overflowing and needs to be cleaned out so that Christmas 'stuff' can be stored in it, and then I walked through the kitchen which reminded me that I'm cooking the entire Thanksgiving dinner for us and another family.
I then headed back to my sitting area in my sanctuary and proceeded to cry.
Oh, that in itself is not so unusual but try and explain that to the cleaning lady who is now completely focused on getting the non-existent dust off of my dresser.
So I'm sitting here, now composed - it was just a momentary lapse of sanity - thinking of all of the things that I have to do, thinking of all of my health problems that have been limiting my participation in the simple day to day things, not to mention anything extra, blah, blah, blah.
And it hits me.
Hits me right in my heart....
God telling me that the longer I sit here and lament on everything in my life in this negative light; the longer I sit here not trusting Him, not leaning on Him, not allowing Him to go before me and make possible all that seems impossible.
I visualize a piece of paper with two columns......
on the left is the "Waaaaaa" list and on the right is the "BLESSINGS" list.
I picture myself filling in the columns and that's when God smacks me upside the head.
Does He smack anyone else?
He smacks me upside the head because He sees that I realize that the BLESSING column of this day dream is the longest by far.
Good grief, it's like "bam, bam, bam"......
- sitting area in my bedroom
- window that looks out into the pasture
- cleaning lady for goodness sakes
- more than one bathroom
- a kitchen to cook T.G. dinner in
- double oven!
- money to buy the T.G. groceries
- family and friends to share *some of my* dressing with (the pan I don't hide)
- a warm home
- children that love and respect me
- no addictions *do Snickers count?*
- a husband that cherishes me
- a passion that feeds my soul - my art
We all have them.
But do we all give the glory and thanks to the One responsible?
I guess because this is my blog that I'm allowed to denounce all other gods but the one and only true God if I want to.
And I want to.
I am so thankful that when I start to stray away from remembering my many, many blessings, that God is quick to pull me back into His fold and remind me that He is in charge.
The He will continue to be in charge if I let Him....
and all I have to do is focus on my blessings, give thanks to Him and get my bum in that guest room and start hanging some pictures....
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
.....DAY 15....
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
So today I'll blog yesterday's blessing and I'll be back on track.
Well, for a day....
Maybe that's what today's blessing should be.............I'M BLESSED WITH WHAT LITTLE MEMORY I HAVE LEFT.
Any of you that are my age, 24 + 30, know what I'm talking about!
A memory is a terrible thing to lose! But, I'm not compaining....it's like I say, it could always be worse!
Think about it for a minute.
If my memory was any better than it is, I would remember the things that pass through my life every day that I just as soon forget I ever saw or heard...
Like the "News at Ten" headliner tonight about the lady that saw Jesus in her pancake.
Or last night at Clay's basketball game when I told a lady how much I enjoyed her daughter, Mrs. S., who is a teacher at our high school.
I had just met Mrs. S.'s father and I ASSUMED that the lady with him was his younger wife and Mrs. S's mom, therefore my heartfelt comment.
Okay, cut to the chase.....
the part where having just a little memory is a blessing.....
Mrs. S's father is 91 (HEY, he was spry!) and the "lady with him" wasn't his wife, it was Mrs. S's SISTER.
YES, sister.
And, YES, that cost me three candy bars from the concession stand.
Not to mention that even when my memory of the most embarrassing moment of my life passes, Mrs. S. is sure to be able to recall it in all it's gory detail.
There are more stories of equal mortification to the teller but thank goodness I can't remember them....."BLESSED ARE THOSE WITH LITTLE MEMORY".....
So, I would have to say that Harry & David blesses me!
I am blessed by Harry & David every fall because I believe in "gift to self"!
Oh, and I guess I should fess up.....the pears in this post, though they are in my kitchen, are not Harry & David pears. They are, however, pears from dear friends that brought them to us from Pennsylvania, and they are delicious.....but they're not Harry & David.
The pears I'll be eating in, oh, about a week, now THOSE will be Harry & David! hahaha
Monday, November 12, 2007
A BLESSING???? - Day 12

I LOVE going to the dentist's!
I LOOK FORWARD to going to the dentist's!
And all because of one little word.
I get gas at the dentist's.
It's really the only public place I welcome getting gas.
It's expected.
The nurses know that when Mrs. Thomason comes for anything from a teeth cleaning to a crown, she's gunna have gas.
And that's my blessing for today.
I am blessed because I get gas at the dentist's office.
Oh, you can get gas at the dentist's office, too.
When you make your appointment, just tell them that you want gas.
And then when you get there, you'll climb into the chair, they'll put the gas mask over your nose, you'll close your eyes, and you'll dream.
And you won't care that you're at the dentist's office.
And you'll look forward to going back the next time.
Trust me.
You won't be sorry and I just might make it onto your Christmas list...
There's like two catagories....you know what I'm talking about - well, some of you do.
There are the forwards that are SUPPOSED to be funny that are simply, well, dim.
That's certainly no reflection on the sender....and it's okay because you come to recognize the sender's name, you see the word "forward" and you simply delete and go on your way.
Ahhhhhh, but then there's the forwards that are SUPPOSED to be funny THAT ARE FUNNY!.....You see the sender's name, you see the word "forward", and you know you are fixin to laugh out loud!!! WOOHOO!!
I have a folder for "forwards" I want to keep. The ones that make me laugh out loud, blow diet Coke out of my nose, snort, put my head between my knees so I won't faint from not being able to breathe - it's for the ones that I KNOW I will never tire of - the one's that I will want to pass down to my children's children.
This is one of those 'keepers'. It may very well be my all time favorite.
Watch it, make a 'keepers' folder for it and then forward it....you'll be on your way to getting that reputation we all covet....the sender of fowards that ARE funny!
It's called Mother's Day.
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

It wasn't until my Aunt Marilyn died that she was named.
It wasn't until she died that I started loving her and she became a part of my sanctuary.
Today I am thankful for my sanctuary - my bedroom.
There are some days that I walk down the long hallway to the master bedroom that I will start to grin on the inside, or I will hear, "thankyouthankyouthankyou" in my heart as I get closer, or I will think to myself, "Oh, goody, goody, goody, I'm going to shut the door, put on some p.j.'s, ew, ew, ew, get my Somerset Studio, my glass of ice water, see what I've Tivo'd....ahhhhhhhhh."
And, admittedly, there are some times that the hall seems really long...

Friday, November 9, 2007

and a surprise guest....
And what do they do with the money they raise??
They give it to the church.......the last four or five years it's all gone into the building fund for the new church we built 1 1/2 years ago.

And now for your reading enjoyment.......

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Actually, I haven't just been thinking about what I would write about, I've actually wrestled with it.
I refuse to say that I'm "having a bad day". My belief is, "you name it, you claim it", and it just sticks in my craw to name a bad day.....
however, I'm not so naive as to not be able to recognize a day that's not one of my better!
...and today was one of those; in the line of many, actually.
However, it is not my nature to complain.
I hate to hear people complain because every time I do I am always reminded that "it could always be worse".
None of us has anything to complain about because, I promise, there is someone out there that has it much worse than you or I do *and they're probably within a few feet of you at any moment...*.
So, okay, here's today's blessing:
I am blessed with the knowledge in my head and in my heart that I.....AM.....BLESSED.
I have nothing to complain about..........ever........WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, I may have had two Pity Parties (RULE: they may not last longer than 20 minutes) today, but after 20 minutes I pulled myself out of them and started focusing on my blessings.
It works.
And, thank God it does.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Oh, but it hasn't always been that way...
My brothers AND MY sisters have been known to tell the most awful lies about how bossy I was as the oldest child. They have spread vicious rumors about how I would "claw" them with my fingernails, how I would *tattle* and boss them around, how I would tell my youngest brother that he was adopted until I made him cry.
Oh, come on!!!
Why, anyone that knows me, knows that it would be impossible for me to be anything but nice.
.....Everyone knows that my favorite saying is, "because nice matters".
Well, where do you think that came from???
Do you think I just pulled it out of the air???
It came, I feel certain, from my deep abiding love for all mankind, especially those less fortunate than me - those dipsticks I was forced to babysit....my psycho siblings.
In fact, just the fact that I would consider my siblings a blessing is a miracle in itself....
because I REMEMBER.....
...coming home late at night (during college break) and having to walk alone through our long kitchen in the pitch black because I couldn't get the light switch to work because one of the brats had balanced the switch at the other end of the kitchen so that the switch at my end wouldn't turn on the lights.
And even though I knew, I KNEW, those r*t*rds were all waiting to jump out and scare me, I would still be so scared that I would scream bloody murder when I heard the first "boo".
It's no wonder I have high blood pressure today.
Oh, and I remember when we lived in Leawood, Kansas, and I was like in the 4th grade and we had this huge patio on the back of the house with probably 100 flood lights. Those spiteful little snakes would wait 'til dark and would lock me out of the house, turn on all 500 of the flood lights so that every JUNE BUG IN KANSAS could find me and ATTACK ME.
Well, that's what I remember.....I'm only touching on a couple of the highlights, but I think you get the picture. I know that from reading this post you can fully appreciate why we are so close today and why I love them so dearly.
Oh, and where was my MOTHER when all of this was going on???....I'll save "Mom as a Blessing" for another post.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Are you rolling your eyes, Craig, because I referred to you as my "sweet BOY"??
Well, don't.
It's not necessary.
Let me explain why....
You are my first born.
And when you were born you were my sweet, sweet boy.
Then you began to grow up....
You started Kindergarden and you were my sweet, sweet boy.
Then you played YMCA basketball, Little League baseball, and you were your daddy's helper.
You were also my sweet, sweet boy.
When you were in 5th grade I remember being so proud of you because you stood still and tall for something YOU thought was right, something that you liked, no matter that everyone, including your friends, thought your hair parted down the middle looked goofy.
Oh, don't get me wrong, it did look goofy.
But you didn't care what anyone thought............you liked it and you stood firm.
And you were my sweet, sweet boy.
In junior high and high school you suffered through all of the things kids suffer through................
your parents at times were insufferable in your eyes, I'm sure.
There were some rough times, but you know what?
You were ALWAYS my sweet, sweet boy.
College was hard on me.
Letting you go and acting like it wasn't that big of a deal.................
but I think you knew how hard it was on me and that's why you remained
my sweet, sweet boy.
And now you're 22 years old.
An adult.
Oh, please, let me say, "young adult"!
And you are involved in a relationship, a sport, an education, a healthy way of living that I am so proud of - you are turning into the young adult that I have dreamed of and that God knew you would turn into...
and you're my sweet, sweet boy.
So, do you understand now that you will ALWAYS be my sweet, sweet boy???
I absolutely adore you, Craig.
I cherish our relationship - the ups and downs because they have only made our bond stronger in the long run and in the scheme of things, they haven't even been that big of a deal - I cherish our hugs, our time together, dinner with all of us at the dinner table laughing so hard that we can't swallow, watching you and your brothers become best friends, I so enjoy watching you and your daddy spend quality time together....
You are my life.
You are my sweet, sweet boy,
and I love you more,
Monday, November 5, 2007
It is a blessing to me when I am not feeling well, for whatever the reason, if I can muster up the energy to be a blessing to someone else. And yesterday I was able to see to fruition one of those VaLiaNt efforts with these wonderful Halloween tags you see below!

Cheryl is an amazing artist and I love her work - I say this to encourage you to visit her etsy shop and see what I mean first hand!
So, the tags come, Halloween is upon us and I'm feeling badly...*the scene is set*...so what to do with these darling tags???.....I filled white lunch sacks with Snickers, Butterfingers, all of the best of candies!, scallop cut the top edge of the sack, folded it down and stapled Cheryl's tags to the front *with orange staples*. I put a list of people together at church that I felt could use a hug and off I went yesterday morning with my blessings.....and it worked! I was so blessed in the blessing of others as I handed out the darling bags of candy and a hug that I momentarily forgot about my own aches and pains!... As I went from person to person (many of whom weren't really sure who I was....that was the best part!) I knew in my heart that my hug or my touch on their shoulder might be the only time they were physically touched yesterday... I realized *yet again* that sometimes we get so busy with our own lives that we overlook the quiet one sitting alone in the sanctuary or the harried single mom trying to get her three kids out to the car, the widower standing along the wall missing his wife or the sweet, sweet lady that is going through chemotherapy but has managed to pull herself out of bed so that she can be at worship...
Try it! The next time you feel badly *for whatever reason*, try blessing someone else with a smile, a touch, a meal, a Snickers!, a phone call, a compliment or a gesture and see how God turns one blessing into two!
Sunday, November 4, 2007

Get this.....okay, I co-sponsor a group of high school athletes at our school called F.C.A. which stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It's an awesome group of kids from our school that are involved in some type of school athletics. We meet every Monday night for fellowship, food, prayer, games, speakers, testimonies, questions for the sponsors that we have to some times "get back to ya on that!"; all learning and growing in our Lord; all swimming against the current of peer pressure and society to be the young man or woman that God is molding them into.

And this year has been amazing! It's like I tell the kids, "GOD IS IN THE BUILDING!" He is doing powerful things through the lives of these young men and women and Kim (my co-sponsor and dear friend) and I leave the meeting every Monday night in awe of how God is shaping the lives of these precious young people.
So, here's the deal!.....TODAY'S BLESSING....

I'm still so excited I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to sleep
tonight. With all of the turmoil in the world, with all of the turmoil in our own little corner of the world, it blesses me so much to see proof that God is indeed "IN THE BUILDING!"