Have a fabulous 'rest of the day'!
Miss Precious here is decorating the front of a large matchbox which is housing a bird's nest, a newly born chick, the actual egg that she escaped from during birth and two more eggs that will likely hatch in the next couple of days. (And I'm sure you recognized that Miss Precious is from the Paper Whimsy collage sheet collection that is my drug of choice. I need some help kicking this habit!!)
I painted the inside of the matchboxes (there are four total:) so that if you want to remove the nest *and perhaps perch it safely in a tree* and use the box for another reason, you'll have cute, cute, cute polka dots for your background.
See???? I told you the egg from which the chick was birthed was in the box! What a special little addition - you might want to hurry on over to my Etsy shop and snatch up one, oh, heck, all of the matchbox nests before someone else does!
Thanks for taking the time to read my post - I love that you do! And if you take just a moment to leave a comment then I'll feel really popular and oh, that's such an amazing feeling! LOL
I used a white shadow box and this lovely paper with pink roses on it, giving it texture by sewing on the rose with white thread. It was my first time to use Grungeboard and I really liked working with it! I used it for the wings and the little swirly under the *earbob* bouquet that the sweet girl's holding.
Once again, I used a Paper Whimsy girl - I do love Gale's work!
Even though this piece took a wee bit too long to make, I love it!! Pink's my favorite color so that made it worth every minute.
You can see this piece and oh, so many fabulous pieces by 'muah' in my Etsy store. Help me put three boys through college this fall....visit, shop, buy. LOL
I love the way the real nest and egg look in the shadow box.If you look closely at the nest you can see all of the wonderful things the original homeowners used in the building of their home! There's even a small piece of cellophane in there.
Tomorrow I'm anxious to work up a white on white piece! I LOVE BEING BACK!!
Being a Paper Whimsy swap we had to use a PW image on our banners which, in my opinion, makes them oh, so special!
If you have never checked out the Paper Whimsy site, oh, you must. Gale's collage sheets are my drug of choice!