Friday, June 27, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

If you look at these pictures really closely you'll see why I'm dancin' around my bedroom.......I figured out how to take better pictures of my cards for my Etsy store:) WOO HOO! The other ones are in the post below this one if you want to compare - oh, it's sad. Very sad. You would think that someone with my intelligence (hey, I went to college) and good looks (I just threw that in) would be able to post a decent looking picture. Well I'm getting there - it's obviously a slow process since I had to take the pictures of the cards THREE times to get ones that didn't look like my cat took them.

One last little bit of news....I'm going to Santa Fe with my sorority sisters this weekend. We've made a trip together every summer for the last 25 years - five of us - and I don't think I'll take my laptop.
We spend all of our free time laughing and I just don't see time for blogging or reading emails.
I don't leave until late on Thursday and will be back on Sunday so I'll be expecting to feel like it's Christmas when I see how many people have read my blog posts and send me emails while I was away.
Don't disappoint me or I won't post photos of the trip - I get good ones when the girls are laughing so hard they can't breathe - and I always try to throw in some pictures of the odd __________ that we see. You fill in the blank.
You know I love you!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Oh, yeah, all at once so that I can kill as many brain cells as possible.
Look at me! Do I look like I can afford to lose any more brain cells???

I finally gave up and went with what I had after 6 or 7 weeks of working on it - that's why my work looks so much better in person than in the store.

I am healthy enough to want to spend hours working in my studio and on my computer.
I have a gift that God gave me that allows me to create art that blesses others.
I still have a lot to learn {about pixels and other things} and feel good enough to attack that later.
The friends that I have made through Etsy and actually, more through my blog, are some of my closest friends and they bless me on a daily basis.
I could go on and on but that would just delay you from rushing over to my Etsy shop and buying lots of my pieces of art *most with free postage* which will keep Frank the Tank and myself out of the poor house which is where we are headed.
We really should have spaced out our children as we now have two in college at the same time - have for 4 years and will have for 1 more year - then we'll just have to finish up the baby for three years. That'll seem like a piece of cake!
Isn't that great???
We have three boys that don't use drugs, don't drink, respect their parents, love the Lord, and continue to make us so proud of them. I love my life. I love my husband, my boys, my family, my studio, and I love all of you that read my blog....my blog friends. You bless me.
So, be gentle when you look at my less than perfect pictures of my pieces.
Oh, and if you think that you've seen everything that I've been working on getting listed in my Etsy store, you're wrong. There's more. Guess you'll have to go to the store........take your checkbook.
God bless you and thank you for being such good friends that a few pixels off doesn't run you off. http://www.jthom03.etsy.com/
Monday, June 16, 2008
I couldn't post this without looking up the definition of vignette - I've seen other artist's use it but for the life of me, I had never heard of it before - and I went to college! So now that I've looked it up and know what it means, I can use it......I want to show you the vignette in my entry hall....
Below you see the Baptist Buffet that we've owned forever. It sits on one wall of our front entry hall and the mirror has been behind it since we moved the buffet into the entry. And the lamp has been there, too. Very blah. There was a floral
arrangement on the buffet that looked very out of date {I think} though it's pretty enough. But it's gone and in it's place is.....

So I put Estelle's silver service on the buffet and then I filled the coffee pot with deep red velvet roses. I use the roses to make bird's nests and will take them out as needed but until then I think they look amazing in the coffee pot.
Oh, and here's a large glass jar of sea shells that my sister-in-law, Leslie, picked up along the beach in Florida for me. Wasn't that sweet? I love the way they look in the glass and every time I see them I am reminded how much I adore the beach - water talks to me.
Okay, that sounded a bit odd, but it does, in a not odd way.
There is a pile of vintage books wrapped with vintage fabric, a vintage glove, held together with some rhinestone jewelry and topped off with a sweet, sweet cherub atop the books.

Y'all are just the best!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Birds, nests, and children with birds.
So, birds and nests it was!
So, I started and it simply snowballed! It snowballed and I absolutely love it! I have decided I need some shelves so that I have more room for more birds and nests! And, I've decided that the room needs to be painted. The antique lace color is just not cuttin' it - it's not showcasing the art that is covering the walls - it's taking away from the beauty of the rest of the room. I need to paint the bathroom. But I don't paint. I dislike painting. And I can't afford to pay anyone to paint it for me right now if I want to be able to buy gas for the car. But, and I mean this, someday it will be painted. Someday when the gas prices go down I'll get my bathroom painted and it will be a happy day! Until then. . .
Several of my precious pieces have come from swaps - like the sweet 4" x 4" piece in the picture above. So sweet and so pink! Mandy Parsons is the artist of that piece. And notice the darling guest hand towel that is christian in theme and bird in design - what more could I want?
This area of the left vanity is my favorite because of a couple of things.
One, it has a lamp on top of Frank the Tank's high school year books and I LOVE lamps, lots of lamps. And the garden book? Frank the Tank's when he was a boy. So sweet. And the shadow box on the wall? I made that. Precious, of course. So precious that I knew you'd want to see a close-up of it. Feast your eyes. That's a real bird's nest and egg in there, girlfriends.
And let it not be said that I show favoritism - here's a close-up of the rest of the vanity - that book though? It's so darling.

This rather large, okay, it's honkin', twiggy birdhouse hangs above the toilet. It's great - no eye injuries yet but lots of compliments! LOL

The picture on the wall below the windowsill - oh, my gosh, I fell in love with that in a junk/antique store in Louisiana. I had to have it. But it was so much money that I would have had to forgo gas to get home if I bought it.
So I used my many charms and got her down to a price I could afford AND have money left over for gas!

See the bird in the bird feeder? He's eating. He's ceramic, but he's eating. When I tipped him like that to make it look like he was chowin' down I cracked myself up - ROTF - though I think I might be alone in that club! LOL
And last but certainly not least, the other guest towel - faith.
Faith. It's so important. It sustains me. It keeps me lifted up when I want to give up or pout or have a pity party or just feel sorry for myself.
Faith. It sustains me. And so do you all. I so appreciate my readers. You're more than my "readers" - you're my friends and you are so, so special to me.
Friday, June 13, 2008

So, there ya have it - my new venture! Hope you like it and more importantly, hope you enjoyed looking at the ATC's! Thanks so much for visiting and if you leave a comment then I thank you even more:)