In the title space on your own blog write: I Live In My Own Little World Challenge. Then blog photos of where you create your blog (don't forget a pic of your computer) and all your favorite, inspiring places around the house and yard.
You can post anytime between now and Sunday, May 18th.
For more detailed instructions just sashay your wee bitty bum over to her blog and join in the fun!
But before you go, you must check out MY blogging world.....I do my blogging in my bedroom - first photo is of my bed, which I fondly referred to as my cave when I was so sick these last nine months. I'm happy to say that it's a bed again:) heehee

You can't tell, but she's sitting on my lap. That's where she's happiest.
I'm not sure what we're watching on the t.v. as we blog but it looks like a lady with a giant toilet brush. I'm changing the channel. Oh, and see how swollen my right ankle is? I had my legs on too long today - it was probably that last run to the Dairy Queen. (I'm kidding)
When I'm blogging I have this window to look's usually a beautiful view when Clay has his jeep at school and Frank the Thank remembers not to park in front of my view. I see goats wander by in the pasture, antelope, I see the dogs, sometimes the postman comes up with a package (that's always a good day:). It's a nice view.
Ahhh, this is Mr. Angel - he lives in the window. Hangs real nice but you're not getting a good view in this photo. He's a beauty however, my best friend thinks he's odd looking. I think he's cool.
The dresser sits to my right and I love to gaze over at it. I just recently re-did it and love the simple look. I love the hydrangeas - I added a wee bit of glitter to the edges of some of the petals - not too much, just enough to give the flowers some personality. I stuffed tea dyed cheesecloth into the vintage vase.....the lamp was my mother in law's and the paper dole purse was made by my mother. Its a classic, like the gloves lying in front of both.
And before I start typing one word or uploading one photo I must have a sip of my Diet Coke or water (I'm trying to keep the Cokes down to no more than one a day)...anyway, as I was saying, ...a sip of my Diet Coke or water poured over SONIC ICE. Oh, yeah, baby. THAT'S livin'. Did you know that you can buy ice at Sonic in 10# bags? Totally worth it. AND, a sack makes a lovely gift. That's what my son, Clay, gave me for Mother's Day......I cried.
So, as you can see, I'm all set up to blog. Seein's how I just did and you can see that most of my Diet Coke is gone, I'm closin' this fascinating piece of literature. Will you leave me a comment so I'll know you were here and took the time to read this literary giant? It also makes me look popular and that's one of my favorite looks. You're a doll!
Y'all have a fabulous day and know you're loved!
Don't forget to go to Pam's and join the challenge! This has been fun!!
I would love to leave you a comment and a big thank you for joining my Challenge. I'm getting to meet such sweet women. Your room is a dream. And you have antelope???? I have to read more to find out where you live. I also LOVE Coke on lots of ice. My friend Edie will take one cube! She doesn't want it "watered down". Oh, I love freezing cold, icy Coke too. But I live in the middle of nowhere so Sonic is out of the question but it sounds like great ice. Thank you again, and you're on the list and I'm putting you in my favorites:)
Hugs and Blessings,
Hi, I'm in the "challenge" too. Your bedroom is just lovely and peaceful. Looks like a wonderful place to sit and blog. Nice view, also. Please check mine out, this has been fun.
hey Jan!
So happy to see where you live, where you blog, and where you recovered ;-) Your little blog always makes me smile, because your sweet and funny personality shows right on through! Unfortunately, my little world right now, is the couch! I am recovering from surgery. And though I cannot make art right now, I can read your lovely blog ;-) Thanks for sharing your space, and your words!
Have a great weekend,
You always make me! Sure, I'll leave you a blog comment, don't I always??? *smile* Your "where I blog" post was fun to read and see! So fun!
It's a beautiful little world that you live in. Looks quite comfy too! Now I can get a visual when we "talk". LOL.
ttyl my friend.
I came, I read, I laughed. You're the best.
sonic ice sounds quite yummy! so what's the secret to their great ice? it was fun reading where you blog - now could you get a picture of an antelope passing by your view window? (cue the deer!)
loved Clay's prom pics
I just joined in...
Love your comfy-cozy blogging space! I sure enjoy your blog too and your great sense of humor!
I came over from Pam's, but I'm not in the challenge this time as I haven't tidied up enough! Your room is so lovely. Thanks for letting us come in and look around!
To be invited into such a warm,cozy,lovely bedroom deserves thanks! Great space.
Hi Jan! Thanks for the lovely view of your little world. What a GREAT space! ... that bed is dreamy & Mr. Angel actually made me twitter with delight. :)
Cheers! ~M~
Hi Jan! I posted mine too! I love your bedroom, seems so calm and relaxing!!! Thanks for letting is all in on "your little world!!"
nice bedroom:) and you have a lot of things going on outside your window!!! how fun!!!
Hi there
I can't find your email and I'd like to send you the Collage I made for being in the Challenge. Please let me know.
This was fun!! You have quite a big room!! What book are you reading?? I love to read so I am curious!!
I love your studio too. All pretty and white!
Thanks for sharing your space!...I'm glad it's back to a "bedroom" for you too. :o)
You look very compfy in your set up :D
Good Lord, girl, you blog in a palace! I don't dare take a picture of my blogging space - CPS would be showing up at my house within minutes! You would absolutely die if you saw my disaster. Your place is the stuff that dreams are made of. What beauty and calm, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I'm back in the land of the blogging - finally! - and I'm tagging you. Stop on by and read all about it!
P.S. I reread that post about your mom and it made me cry all over again. I love that you love her so much.
Jan, your sanctuary looks very comfortable and cozy. I love the color on the walls! Sonic ice really is the best...I didn't know you could buy bags of it. Thanks for the tip and thanks for the tour on your little world!
Hugs, Marilyn:")
What a cozy spot! I'd live in my bedroom too!
Vintage Lily
Look, it's almost THREE years later and you are still getting comments. I'm just stumbling around in blogs and when I see those "and you might also like" links, off I go. Love your sanctuary. I don't know what to do first, work on my own sanctuary space, add a new blog post (it's been three weeks) or get a bag of ice from Sonic. Anywho, love your blogs, past and present.
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