I'm having my very first blog giveaway and I'm so excited!
. . .I gotta tell ya, I've never even been tempted to have one before last night!
Last night I was working on this most precious box of treats for my new *more empty than full!* Lollishop and it just hit me, "Der! You should put together some of these fabulous treats for a giveaway!"
The "Der" told me it was from God - so, a giveaway it is!
Now that you've seen the big picture, here's a close-up of part of the treats!
I want you to notice the paints.....I LOVE THEM! They are amazing - the paint goes on translucent with a sheen to it. Light. They're so wonderful - you will love them!
And, there's tickets, ribbons, glitter flower die-cuts and a really cute stick pin.And, in this next close-up you can see that there's yards of ribbon (single seam binding), a vintage needle folder that is shaped like a rose and comes in a glassine envelope, lace, darling tags, flowers and it all comes presented beautifully to the winner of the giveaway!
Oh, and looking at these pictures I just thought of something else to add! It's fabulous - I'll keep it a surprise!! wooohooo!!

(Isn't this fun???)
Just post a comment making sure you give me your email address and it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all *giggling* if you signed up to receive my newsletter and signed up to follow my blog (both in the right column)!
I'm going to run this giveaway until, hmmmmmmm, I wanna give everyone in the world time to find it, sooooo, I will run it until Monday, January 26th.
That's three weeks - I think that's long enough, don't you?
I'll be on the road from January 15th 'til January 22nd making my way to my mom's (road trip! "Yes!!"). I'll be in Michigan at mom's when the drawing for the winner takes place so I'll have my mother pick the winner and mail the 'package' from her house!
Thanks for playing! You're the best and I appreciate all of my readers so much!
Later this week look for a post about my new shop at Lollishops!
Well, my lovely friend "Ms. T" from Garden Antiques sent me...so, toss my name in the hat! Thank you for your generous treasures you are willing to part with! Have a fun trip with your mom...xo...deb
You have a wonderful blog and i am signed up to follow and receive your newsletter also!
This is a amazing giveaway...the paints sound lovely!
Count me in and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for the next few weeks!
Have a safe and fun road trip~
Put my name in the pot honey! : D
Oh, I've wanted some of those glitter paints for so long and can't find them anywhere. So I'm already a follower and adoring fan and I signed up for you newletter...can't wait to get this and I'm crossing my toes hoping I get picked.
Hugs and say hi to your mom,
Hi Jan!
I have thought of you and your sisters and mom often...and prayed for you all!
So glad to see your shop up, running and full of such goodness! WOOT! I've been a fan of yours FOR-E-VER as you well know...so, YES, I'll sign up for the newsletter and YES, I already follow your blog on Google reader...
The giveaway looks fab...I can already think of ways to put the items to use!
Blessings and hugs!
Paula Clare
How exciting...your first giveaway. I've been reading your blog for a while and I would love to receive these goodies! Thanks.
I would absolutely love to win these great items. Please put my name in the hat and have yourself a wonderful day!
What fun stuff! Thanks for offering the giveaway. I"m a fellow Lolli and follow you. : )
Your blog is wonderful. The pictures make me smile.
I just happened upon your blog...or did I, since you have a give-a-way??? Maybe God led me here!!! Anyway...love your blog and love the paints!!!
Ok, I wasn't the first one to sign up, but 11 is a nice number!!! How nice of you to have a give-away party for your blog. Now, you have to PICK ME cuz you TOLD me I was your BFF...and I remember things like that! And having Mom pick the winner is really sweet - I know she'd love me!
So, you have my email and I already signed up for your newsletter so I'm "in like Flynn" right? Love from Colorado and many hugs to you!
That is one lovely giveaway. I'd love to have all those goodies.
pnkgeeni [at] xtra [dot] co [dot] nz
Your shop is lovely too.
Love the NEW Look! don't you love that place? too many to choose from..and goodies??your giving away goodies??? What a wonderful thoughtful genOrous person you are! Have a safe trip to your Mom's!! Big Hugs, t
Ohhhh, what pretty , pretty stuff! You know I love roses don't you, J.T.? You put all that together just for me (I hope)! Loved your Christmas pics, too. Such a fun and funny brood.
Heather Corn
I'd love to enter!! Thanks so much!
Best Wishes,
Well Hello there, just had to come visit from PW :) Those certainly ARE a lot of wonderful treats you're sharing!
Ohh, please put my name in the hat - I have signed up for your newsletter. Love your blog!
Best wishes
What a treat it would be to get this in the mail!!!! Love your blog. Another Jan
Hi Pinky! Wow, the picture alone is gorgeous!! I need some of those wish tickets so please add my name. Have a great trip to Michigan-bundle up!! :)Linda K (from PW)
Hi Jan!
Happy New Year! I'd LOVE to win! Those paints look like fun, all of it does! Have fun on your trip... and "Hi" to mom!
Check out my blog today...something*something for you!
Hugs, Heidi
Crazy Tina Wright, she of glue on her fingers/paint in her hair fame, pointed me at your blog.... love it. :) Signing up for your newsletter as soon as I'm done here.
Jan! I would love to be entered in your drawing! Yummy goodies! Hugs! Amy
Hi J.T AMAZING giveaway please sign me up I came all the way from PW to see you today MWAH!
Hugs to you Sarah xx
Pick meI really really want all those great things and I never win!! hahahaha! PS wasnt that planet ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL the other night??!??
Pinkie, congratulations on your new shop...I'm so excited for you. Please enter my name in the drawing for your generous gift package...it looks fabulous! Sending you big hugs, Carol
OOh, This is a lovely giveaway! How sweet of you. Your blog is fun. My email is sallytiffan@q.com Have a safe and fun road trip, *hug* Sally
What a wonderful giveaway.. I would love to be considered for this gift! I love what you said about your boys, that was so wonderful and I so understand! I will sign up to be a follower and for your newsletter!
Hi Jan! Love your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks for having it! I tried to become a follower but seems the link to do so is missing. :( Have a wonderful time while your on the road!
Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,
P.S. It's my Blogiversary, come enter my giveaway!!
Okay, I got the Follower to work! Yeah! I also signed up for the Newsletter.
Thanks again,
Thanks for dropping by my giveaway! I'd love to win yours! ~Mindy
What a great blog, JT!!! Youse da bomb! Everything you are giving away is superb...there's not one amongst us who wouldn't wish to win!!! But, your blog is so worth seeing over and over! Cool Beans!
Lynn F.
Thank you for sharing your life and your art with us!
You are truly a talented Godly artist!
Renee Briggs
Please Please enter me! :) :) :)
What a fabulous art-full pile of goodies!!!
Have a great trip, JT, and give your Mom a squeeze from me!
Please add my name!
what fun!
I found your blog while following the trail for a Valentine's swap.
Your giveaway looks fabulous!
Very bright and colorful!
Still waiting for the shiny paints :)
You should get in OneHeart...the buttons on my sidebar. Lots of people will find you. I made so many new friends when I did that last year. Hugs,
I would love to be the winner of all of these fabulous goodies. Thanks for putting my name in the pot!
Lou Ann
ooh, i hope i'm not too late to enter. i could have a lot of fun with those goodies! love your stuff and your blog.
chas @ the wild raspberry
What a wonderful assortment of goodies! How can you stand to part with them? I also signed up for your newsletter...thanks...faith.
Hoping I can still enter...just came from your lollishop!
Great blog and add my name also for your awesome giveaway!
Ooooo! I love your yummy give-a-way!!! I need me some glitter paints! S-W-E-E-T!!! Emily. XOXOXO
Jan, I'mhappy to have found you! Thanks for inviting me back to get in on the give away! Pretty pretty paints!
Thanks for the special invitation to the giveaway! Have a great visit with your mom and enjoy the time together. Drive safely on the way home. Come see us in Ozark...and don't get distracted with all the roadside fun! te he.
Debra from Leola's.
Ooh, ooh! *puts hand in air and jumps up and down* please add my name to the pot for your beautifully scrumptious giveaway! It's so 'you' to put together such a fabulous collection of goodies - and those paints are HONEY!!! buzzzzzz :) x
I'd luv to have those pretty goodies :) Thanks for such a Nice Giveaway!
Hi there!!! What a fantastic giveaway!!!!!
{{pick me pick me}}!!! hahaha!!
I love your blog! I came here from Tina's Cherry Hill Cottage.
I would love to receive your newsletter, I will be a follower, and I would love to be entered in the giveaway.
Have a safe trip and have a great time with your Mom.
I love the name of your blog!
I would absolutely LOVE to win your giveaway! Count me in! - and while you are at it, have yourself a wonderful day!
YOU and your blog are simply scrumptious!!!!!! I look forward to all that the future holds for you.
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