.....{okay, I just want you to know that my SIL and I are sitting here unable to Breathe Because we think we're so stinkin' funny. I know we're not, But we're old and it takes so little to Bickle us})
....I'm so digressing.....Back on Bask (hahaha)......
Seriously, back on task........*clears throat lady-like* but, for me, today at this par-tay, "B" stands for "Blogging" because we're having a WHY I LOVE TO BLOG PARTY!
And, you know what? Sometimes it feels like a party when I post! Sometimes I'm so excited about what I'm telling you that I feel like I have on my party hat and a cupcake in each hand!
And, then there are times when I blog that I'm feeling despair or great sadness.
But, that doesn't answer the question of why I love to blog; of why I love sharing with you, my precious readers.

I could easily keep a journal and call it a day, but, instead I decided to become a part of the blogging world, geez, quite a while ago.
I wasn't sure anyone at all would read my blog, would care to see my creations, to hear about my life, my family, my adventures....to put up with me when I think I'm funny!
But, I went ahead and started writing. How was I to know that I would actually have readers? Sweet, consistently loyal readers, stick by me through my bragging about my creations, my soapboxes *children living in poverty *rescue dogs*. That's why I blog. That's why I'm concerned when I'm not able to get a blog post written. . .in the back of my mind knowing that yet another day has gone by and you have possibly taken the time to look and see if I have posted and I haven't! AUGHHH!!
It kills me to think that I am not keeping up with my part of the deal like I should!
Blogging is a way for me to let off steam *rarely*, rant about the injustices of the world that make my heart bleed, to show you what I've created in my studio that soothes my soul and hopefully, at times, lots of times, make you laugh out loud or giggle in your heart.
I know y'all are aware that I'm a believer, a child of God, a prayer warrior, daily growing in His spirit. My blog allows me to gently touch my reader's hearts and show the love of God. That's a vitally important part of blogging to me.So. Those are the reasons I blog! And, you, my loyal readers are the reason I continue to do so - it's so much fun sharing with you and reading your comments *those of you that aren't just lurking! LOL* I just love y'all so much and many of you I've never even met or 'talked to on the computer'!, but, some of you have become dear, dear friends!!
Some of you have been with me through horrible health adventures and have encouraged me through your post comments, your emails, your cards, your "just because" gifts, your birthday and half-birthday presents and your phone calls!! Isn't that just the coolest thing? All of us, artists and art lovers and people that simply love us, sharing our lives with each other???
Is it any reason that I love to blog??
So, have fun at the "Why I Love to Blog" party! Be sure and go to http://www.cupidscharm.blogspot.com/ for the complete list of the bloggers putting on the party so you can visit their blogs! There's like 70 of us! YIKES!!! Isn't that cool?
And, thank you for coming to visit me today. (Please let me know you came to my party! Post a comment! Even you lurkers! It's fun!!) You know I adore you!
. . .Oh, and next week I should be posting a NEW BLOG GIVEAWAY! Those are just so much fun and I love doing them so much that I'm making the giveaways a monthly thing! Whatchathink about that? LOL