I simply could not let you continue to wonder how it went so I am writing this on the Tank's and my trip to the coast before my surgery this Wednesday. How about that - a working vacation. We're here for four days and will be leaving tomorrow after we visit an elderly couple that moved here to be closer to their daughter - they were members of our church and we just love Rena and Ray.
Then we'll take our "daughter", Skyler, out to lunch before we head home.
So, okay, let's get to the reason for this post!
I do tend to give entirely too much information! . . .
Below is a picture of my baby - my convertible, the trunk ready to be loaded with all I was taking to Wichita Falls to see Tina and her husband, Will.
The plan was for me to make the 6 1/2 hour drive last Monday, present the gate, get hugs, talk until we could talk no more, eat supper and then I would stay the night in a local hotel as they don't have a guest room (the second bedroom is her studio - I can't think of a better use for a second bedroom, can you??) And then Tina and I would meet for breakfast the next morning before I headed home. I had planned on the trip being a short one as I didn't want to wear her out and my plans worked out perfectly!
The trunk is packed with the tag "gate", my overnight bags and special little gifts from some of the precious tag makers. Oh, and cookies.
Before I left the area, I stopped in Kerrville at the Cookie Chick's to pick up a special order I had placed for a half dozen HUGE oatmeal pecan raisin cookies and monster cookies as a special treat for Tina and Will. The Cookie Chick makes the most amazing cookies, they're honkin', AND she ships if you don't live in the area. They are the most delicious cookies and make such a special gift, don't you think?
Check out the size of these cookies! They are 1/4# apiece! WOW!!
I made it to Wichita Falls about 3:30 p.m., stopped on the side of the road as I entered town and had a nice chat with a police officer about how fast my car can go *yeah* and after a delightful talk with Officer Piper I drove up at Tina's where she was waiting for me in the driveway!
This is a picture of Rat Dog and Tina with the gate after she had studied every tag on it! She was in awe and completely overwhelmed by every one's generosity that made a tag for the "gate". You made her smile! REALLY big!! She was blown away - no kidding. I want all of you to know that the time and effort you put into making a tag for her meant the world - and those of you that don't even know Tina, that might not even know me, those of you that made a tag because you do know me and those that made one because you know Tina - what a wonderful group of ladies.
The mixed media art community is an amazing group of women and you touched this woman (and Tina;) deeply by your kindness.
Our time together was delightful - she looked great, amazing!, felt pretty stinkin' good, too, considering she's undergoing chemo' and has Stage 4 colon cancer with a spot on her liver. . . .I give you these personal details so that you will know the severity of her cancer and if you are a believer, you will PRAY. That's what she's has asked for, what she longs for - that as many people as possible will be praying for her as she fights this battle. She would love to be added to your church's prayer list, your prayer list, your friend's prayer lists, ask prayer warriors that you know to pray for her. .. She is a strong believer and is counting on the prayer of believers to get her through this!
I thought you would enjoy seeing some pictures of us as we spent that special time together.
So, here we are. . .