I woke up this morning and thought it was going to be just another day.
A day working on the Creepy Doll room, of doing laundry, of fiddling around in the studio, of playing fetch with Sister and spending time with my mom.
Then I got "the news".
Then I got "the news".
Christmas morning 2010
It happens to all of us at least once in our life.
News that drops you to your knees.
It's happened to me more than once, but, this time was different.
It involved my "child".
'Brat', as I've called her since she was a child, is our daughter "in name".
In fact, I made up an adoption decree, framed it, and gave it to her for Christmas this year.
We adore her.
I adore her and love her like one of my own children.
Heck, she is one of my children.
Though I had known her throughout her childhood,
it was when she was in high school and worked for me in my art studio
that I got to know her best and became more involved in her life.
Day before T.G., circa 2004
I even taught her how to make her first cherry pie.
She has recently become engaged to the most wonderful young man, Will.
I love him and am so excited that he's marrying such a wonderful girl!
This morning was when everything in my world stopped.
Brat's sister, Taylor, called me for her.
Brat's a first year teacher/coach in Austin, Texas,
and on her way to work today the roads were very icy.
She lost control of her car on one of those icy roads.
She headed across the center line into oncoming traffic.
No one was hurt badly
except Brittany.
She has a lacerated liver
and has shattered her pelvis on the right side.
I've been on my knees all day in my head.
Praying, texting, praying, calling, praying, taking calls.
Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
I trust you with everything in my life.
Most of all with my kids
and I know that you have Brittany in your loving hands.
I know that you're taking care of her
and will continue to do so.
But, oh, Jesus, can you please take care of me?
Can you please take care of all of us that love her?
My middle son, Blake, and Brat have been best friends
since high school.
Hardly a day goes by that they don't text each other.
Blake's a groomsman in her wedding.
And he drove to the hospital this afternoon
carrying his sleeping bag.
He's going to stay with her and sleep on the floor of her room.
I couldn't get there today.
Our roads are so icy.
No way I could make it to north Austin.
Tonight's supposed to be the coldest day of the year.
I hope to be able to go up on Friday and stay through Saturday.
I'll leave mom here to take care of Frank
and I'll sit with Brat and hold her hand and read to her
and tell her how much I love her.
And, all the while I'll be praying; continuing to pray.
Will you pray with me?

Did you notice that this post had photos and that they aren't sideways?
That you didn't have to go to Flickr to see the photos that went along with the post?
How about that?
I had a virus.
Yeah. And, I have a really good virus protector.
It snuck in kinda like a teenager getting home after curfew.
I was happy to pay the $75.00 it cost to get rid of it and my appendage back. *sigh*
Thanks for stickin' with me as I post oh, so sporadically.
I love y'all a lot,
remember to breathe and take care of you--Brat's healing and you will be a God-send for her when you get there. Love you!!!
Sending prayers, dear Jan. Drive carefully when you go.
She's in God's hands and your heart... what an amazing place to be. OK, so she's also in the hospital but with Blake camped out on the floor, she's gonna recuperate just fine. Prayers will keep coming your way.
I read this post from my cousin just minutes before your post...perfect timing...and always a good reminder.....
"The closest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.....PRAY! Even if you are praying in your head!!!
You be careful on that road. Take your time, she's in good hands!
Love and hugs,
My healing thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Jan.
oh darling Jan..nothing brings us to our knees faster than bad news about our children..please know that we all are praying and thinking good thoughts about Brittany..please know that I am worried about you..please take care of yourself...love and hugs flying out to you xxxxxxxxxx
hello my friend ~ will be keeping you all in my thoughts for quick and complete healing. she is very lucky to be so loved! you take care of yourself also!
Praying for her and all of you. God Bless.
I'm a reader in San Diego, happened to be looking at all the wonderful crafting blogs and found you, so please know that your reach is wide and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'll check back to see how you're doing...
We are so blessed to know that the wonderful Lord who healed your Mom can do the same with Brittany. I am praying that she has a swift and complete recovery.
You be very, very careful when you are on the road as well. Keep us posted.
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