My birthday is this Monday.
Yes, I know, I know, they made it a holiday - but I won't talk about that lest I sound like a braggart.
I'll be 55.
Years old.
55 years old.
You still can't believe it, can you?
Because I think I'm really 24.
Barbie and I have always been the same age and I'm totally sure that Barbie's 24 again this year.
Do the math.
The only reason I mention my birthday is because today, five days before the holiday, I received a package in the mail from one of the dearest women I have ever met.
And, that's about the extent of our relationship, but, in reality, it's more than that.
I met Sammy Stafney at the Art and Soul Retreat in Portland last fall.
I know we shared at least one meal together but the rest of that weekend is pretty much a blur.
And, I know that we have exchanged charms that we made for the retreat and we may have had a class together.
(Those of you that know me really well know that I can't remember anything.)
We've kept in touch through emails now and then and planned on seeing each other at this year's retreat in October.
Sammy found out that I had to back out of this year's retreat at the last minute and that I had a birthday coming up.
That dear, sweet woman sent me a box full of presents which I received today.
That's the reason for telling you that I have a birthday coming up - it is so that I can tell you how blessed I was today by an art friend - and isn't that the way it usually is?
That we, as friends joined through our art, bless each other???
I cried throughout the opening of each gift that she had filled the box with - mostly I think, because it was SO unexpected.
She got me!
She totally blessed me with her thoughtfulness and I wanted to share with you what a dear, sweet woman she is and to show you what she put together to bless me.
Below you will see pictures I took of all of the wonderful surprises that Sammy sent me.
Thank you, Sammy, for being such a darling friend and for making me feel so special.

Above is a precious necklace that she made for me!

Gorgeous silk material w/ black velvet roses!

Lots and lots of fibers!!

Fibers, ribbons and lots more!

And a sweet handmade card.

XOXO to Sammy and to all of my other precious art friends who bless me daily,