I don't think I need to list "I can be sarcastic at times". What do you think?
I adore my tagger! She's a precious woman that I am happy to be tagged by. *note: does it bother you as much as it bothers me to end a sentence with a preposition like I just did in that last sentence? BUGS ME TO DEATH. I'll be up all night.* I just couldn't think of a clever title for this post.............."I'VE BEEN TAGGED!".
I think that one's been used.
So, the rules are for me to link back to Summer Sunday's blog, which I just did.
Okay, got that part right.
Now, I am supposed to list six other bloggers that I want to know more about so that they can tell all of us six fascinating things about themselves.
It was tough, but I chose:
1. Rowdy Robin at A Robin's Nest
2. Sweet Susi at Star Dust & Moon Beams
3. Mahvelous Mindy at Rockin' M
4. Sweet Tina (it's so who she is!) Sweetina Veronica
5. Darling Deb at the Junkin Yaya ......okay, one more......
6. Always giving Abbie at The Vintage Moth
Whew. That's finished......except now I have to email everyone and tell them they've been tagged - I'm always cementin' friendships.
Okay. Six things that you might not know about me.
This is not going to be easy because I'm rather humble and not one to brag, but, heck, I've been asked, so here ya go......
1. Through my mixed media art I support seven poor families. I am that good.
2. I swam the English channel last year. Naked.
3. I have translated the Bible into five languages.
4. I have personally given birth to 16 children and they were all boys.
5. The walls in all of my bathrooms are painted yellow. (think about it)
6. And, last but not least, none of what I've told you is true. The only truth is that I love blogging and hopefully I made someone laugh as they read this list b

"Goodnight, Jan."
"Goodnight, readers."
. . . . .Jan
Alright girlfriend....I can't believe you did this to me! :) YOu know how "private" I am (yeah right). Thanks for the tag darlin...Have a great week! xo...deb
heehee Loved your post!
I will be back to blogging this week and tellmore about moi!
Thankyou Jan!
Your friend Tina
You gave me a laugh -- & I appreciate it since every bone in my body hurts from doing heavy yard work. Have a good week. The Other Jan
Your post did make me laugh! Sorry but I am a no award, no tag blogger so although I appreciate the thought...I won't be sharing!
Take Care - Robin
hahaha! i just got tagged and to tag 8 more people. and you should see the list of stuff i have to think up answers to!!! it'll be on my teaandjewels blog in a day or two, when i finish revamping it... so, um... i was gonna tag you for that but am scared now!!! *runs*
OK You totally had me...and yes, you made me giggle...thanks...it was worth discovering you just for that :)
I was like "Nuh-uh" then went right to "really?" cause I've only had one third cup of coffee and slept with that little darlin o mine Lillie last night cause it was her birthday and all and darned if that little booger stick to me ALL NIGHT LONG and girl, I cannot wait to take a nap as soon as I drop her very rested self off at school cause I am SOME KIND OF CRANKY this morning.... and you so made me giggle!!
Thanks girlie!!! YOU ROCK!!
Works for me, I'm still smiling :) Hay!!! and yes, you do have a sign on your forehead, but I didn't want to say anything.
you are a crack up. i wish you were my neighbor. thanks for the laughs.
OK girlie...you are TOO much!! I am still laughing and might need to contribute to those "yellow" bathroom walls. I LOVED your answers! Can't wait to meet ya in a few weeks my friend! :)mendy
Sorry I am just now getting back over here. I will be posting it next. I have to think about who to tag now. I don't mind, but it seems some don't have much of a sense of humor. My son lives in Killeen, TX near Ft. Hood where his wife is stationed. I'll have to pull out a map because I'm definitely going to have to get by to see you. I'd love to take you to lunch or dinner. You've been such a doll!
You are really funny...had me until the second one.
Glad to have discovered you. Really creative and obviously talented.
Enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend!!
Nerina :)
Jan, I have completed my assignment. Fun! ~Mindy
I just came over from Mindy's and I just have to say...Girl, you are a hoot! I love a good shickle and a got a snoot full after reading some of your posts. Thanks for the laughs.
Jan Im in hysterics...after reading your incredible 5 things ...I was blinded with awesomeness nearly didnt see the 6th and was getting ready to gush on and on in the comments about what a goddess you are and how I want to meet a woman as special as you ..to have written the bible in 5 languages and all those kids..OMG! ok you lied and you've not done all of the above...but I laughed and laughed and have been totally entertained from the top of your blog page to the bottom..even like the family snaps of people I will never meet...so your still amazing and a goddess and a wonderful Artist and I would love to meet you..probably never will...lol..but your on my wish list...hugs and smiles Michelle
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