Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'll be 56 on September 1st. Or, you can think like I do - my 24th birthday is September 1st because I look just like Barbie. Either way, I'M HAVING A BIRTHDAY!
And, what could be better than to gift y'all??!! So, keep reading and you'll see just how you can be the one to receive gifts on MY birthday! This is just so much stinkin' fun!
Oh, my gosh, I almost forgot! The reason you're getting two gifts is because I'm also celebrating the fact that I have OVER 100 FOLLOWERS! I feel like a celebrity. One hundred followers is, to me, a really big deal. I'll probably keel over if I ever get over 200 - that would be rad!

The first lovely gift is a very cool vintage brooch that I bought at an estate sale. In the photo it looks about as big as my bum, but it's really just regular size - about 2 1/2 inches across, I think. It's simply gorgeous - not a stone missing. Just think of what you could use this on!
AND, you will also receive the gift of a vintage evening purse! It's made of black velvet and has intricate designs sewn on both sides with seed beads. It's absolutely fabulous! I bought it at an estate sale, also. I bought both the vintage brooch and the vintage evening bag especially for this giftaway. I wanted two very special gifts for you.
See how it opens? Very cool. It opens with some kind of spring thingy that bends in the middle so it's really easy to get into. The lining of the evening bag is black satin. It's just beautiful!
Now, this giftaway is not only for having over 100 followers, it's for my birthday so that I can gift you, my readers.
And, I'll be adding a lot of extras to this giftaway to make it REALLY special!!

I've given so much thought as to how I wanted to do this.....did I want to just take comments as entries since these are being specially gifted to you? Or did I want to have the odds tilt towards the faithful readers that have stuck with me over time?

Let's see what I decided as you read...
rules of the giftaway:

1. Leave a glowing (LOL) comment = ONE ENTRY

2. If you are already a follower of my blog = TWO MORE ENTRIES
That's right - you get two more entries if you're already a follower of my blog.

3. If you sign up TODAY to follow my blog (see the right column of my blog) = ONE

4. If you already follow me on Facebook = TWO MORE ENTRIES
That's right - you get two more entries if you're already a follower of me on fb.

5. If you sign up TODAY to follow me on Facebook (see the right column of my

6. If you leave an enticing post on YOUR blog about this giftaway = TWO MORE
That's right, sweet ones, two more entries.
7. If you send me a very nice birthday present you automatically win. hahaha

Okay, that's it, girls! I hope you have as much fun reaching for the gifts as I have had creating this giftaway!

Thanks so much everyone for entering! You know what I always say, the more the merrier - that's what makes a great birthday party!!



Diva Kreszl said...

Well I can't believe I'm the first to congratulate you on your upcoming birthday and for having 100 followers. That's certainly reason to celebrate!!! Well I am already a follower, I've signed up for your Facebook page and I commented about your giveaway on my blog. This is such a fun idea and I thank you for letting us all in on your festivities!
Love, Diva


Congratulations on having 100 followers. You probably have some lurkers, too!

Please do not keel over when you reach 200. We would miss you!


I just know you will have a splendid birthday!

Linnie Blooms Shop said...

Hi Jan! Happy B-day, soon:D I am a faithful follower, and I definitely will be leaving here to post an article about you and your giveaway on my blog:D How's that for a bday gift?? I think I have a whopping 3 followers, so having 100 is amazing to me! Just too cool!

Tina said...

Oh my - Beautiful giveaways and BIG congratulations on your birthday Sept. 1th.
oh - and I can´t sign up as a follower here or on facebook as I already are - lol
I would love to be entered in your beautiful giveaway - that brooch is just amazing
Many hugs

LiLi M. said...

Happy birthday to you Jan! I do hope you feel better now. I'll go for number 7! No kidding! I don't do Facebook: If you blog like I do you spend too much time on your computer already. I just don't like the concept followers, for various reasons, no big deal, but this his how I feel, if you want to know more about that just email me, but if you don't, it's okay with me. And I don't blog about give aways either, sorry. So give me your address and I'll send you a little birthday gift.

Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

Well, happy, happy birthday--and reaching such a following! ; )
I already follow you. Thanks for including us all in your celebrations. ; )

the wild raspberry said...

wooohooo! the big 100!!!
{followers that is...not birthdays!}
what a great idea...WE get gifts on your birthday...brilliant! I wish more people could come up with this idea. lol.
i'm already a faithful friend and follower...

Julie Ann said...

Yeay!!! 100 followers!! Thank you for turning me into a commenting follower and from a lurker!! :) You are the bestest! Here's to 100 more!

Stacy/Creativemuse said...

Well happy happy birthday and congrats on 100 followers! That is fab! You know you have more than that thought right? I'm a follower and I admit I don't really know how to link but I'll try
these are lovely I'd just where that pin ...that's the kind of gal I am. take a look at the Grandmas pin from mad hatter tea and you'll see!

sharris145 at roadrunner dot com

Debby said...

Happy Birthday Jan!! We will celebrate in Michigan! Congrats on reaching 100 followers..good for you.

Julie Ann said...

Hello, wonderful!! Ok- I left an entry on my blog about your giftaway and I also added the Polka Dot Barn to my facebook! Yippie!!! :)

KV Creative Designs said...

Wow!! What wonderful Gifts! Happy Birthday Sweet Jan! I am sure you will have many more followers, as you are a dear sweet soul! I am happy that I am celebrating with you!

I already follow your blog and am a friend on FB.

Thank you for the opportunity to win such treasures!

Artful Blessings,

Pearl Maple said...

Congratulations on the birthday and all the exciting things you have going on in your blog space. Followed your link from the Inspired Room and really enjoyed the visit.

That barbie is so pretty, makes me remeber why we enjoyed them so much.

Angela Rae Barribeau said...

Yay! A Birthday AND celebration for 100 followers!!! WOW! Congratulations Jan! I know you've worked hard on your blogging and art! Hope you have a wonderful birthday girlie!

Love & Hugs,

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Wow--a BIRTHDAY and a 100 followers celebration! Whooohooo! Guess what...make that 101!

I just signed on, and not entirely because of this lovely giveaway. I actually came by your blog from Facebook and the first post I read was your last one (about baring your heart) I am still sniffling and wish I could give you a hug. So much of that spoke to my heart.

Anywhooo...enjoy your celebrations (I am also a "24 yo Barbie"...just turned on Aug 18th *wink wink*) LOL I love that!

Smiles, Karen

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness! I am horrible at math! How about 3 entries for following your blog and the glowing comment! Love you Jan! Happy Birthday on the 1st! The age of 24 is your perfect age! Hugs! Amy :) And I will get a link over too! XOXO

Unknown said...

Well what a great idea! It's wonderful. 100 thats great! Maybe one day.....! Suzie. X

Robin said...

Ok, Barbie Jan, I know you're having a blast with this!! Might have to go find some gold lame sandals at wal-mart to help you celebrate!!!
I signed up as a follower to your blog today (1) and I already follow you on facebook (2) and this!!

You are so wonderful to think of others as YOUR day is approaching. Hmmm... maybe I will be that way too.... naaaah. I am toooooo selfish!!!

Thank you for the giveaway sista!

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Congratulations on your 100 followers...and Happy Birthday! What a fabulous double celebraton!

I am already a follower and have enjoyed coming over to visit your blog.

I am also posting about your double celebration on my blog.

Irma :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Oh, Happy Birthday, too!!! 100 followers! You're quite the popular one aren't you? I love to visit your blog. I only wish I had more time to stay. OK glowing comment=1, signed up to be a follower=1, left a post on my blog=2. I think that does it!

Luv ya,

Sarah said...

Hi J.T

Just thought I would stop by to say Hello!! Been AWOL for a while so decided to indulge in some of my blog Hopping....Congrats on 100 followers......Im one of them :)
Love to be added to your give away. Hope you can hear me loud enough as Im shouting from across the pond. Love Ya!!!

Sarah xxx

Brat said...

Okay so I REALLY REALLY love the things you are giving away!! That should be one entry to start with. 1. I am posting a comment for you. This would be my second entry. 2. I am a follower of your blog. It is my homepage for crying out loud. entry #3 and #4. 3. I am of course a follower of you on facebook...entry #5 & #6. Woa I am just racking up the entries. If I had a blog a would leave a comment about your giveaway so that should at least count for 1/2 an entry. :) So now I am up to 6 1/2 entries. Man I should for sure win!! Okay so now let's talk about my next entries into the drawing just in case that wouldn't make me win. First of all I got you a special surprise that is sitting in my car waiting for you and second of all I got you a birthday present so doesn't that count me as the automatic winner?? I should think so!! Show me some love for cryin out loud. Last but not least by any means I am stinkin family so this should put me above all the others and since I NEVER win...(I think the giveaway is rigged) I think I should this time. What ya think? :)

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Mmmmmmmmm..........DELISH! Love your GIFTAWAY...and wanted to wish you a WONDERFUL Birthday!


Unknown said...

Hi my sweet Velveteen friend!!
Happy almost birthday to you! I can't believe how sweet you are to give fun things away for YOUR birthday!!
I am a follower of your blog=2 tickets.
I commented on my blog about YOU=2 tickets
AND I signed up to
follow you on facebook+1 ticket.
Yahoo-5 tickets in all!
AND...if I had your address, I would send you a present withOUT wanting a ticket!
Have a great day!
love, Lynn

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! I like your math skills; I think I will employ them as well. The brooch and the purse are just gorgeous. Thanks for gifting them. I will post about your giveaway on my blog event, Crock Pot Wednesday. I hope you will plan to join me for that on Thanks again for the math lesson and your generosity. I just got my 100th follower and feel so humbled. You can follow me on Twitter and FB,too if you get the urge:)

Unknown said...

I think I've done it all...come check out my blog post...hope you think it is "enticing:)"

Terry said...

Happy Birthday you awesome beautiful lady .
What a gracious thing to do ,have a giveaway for your birthday!
Blessings to you as you celebrate another fabulous year of life.
It is good to be alive and love life .
May you find each new day unfold with endless special moments of love,good health,and abundant joy .
Many more happy birthdays to you .
Happy Trails

jeanne said...

Jan, congrats on two counts. Your upcoming birthday and for 100 followers. Please sign me up for your wonderful giveaway. Your enticement for earning more entries is a great idea. I would love to follow your blog. I can see you are a fun loving person. My kind of blog.

Hugs, Jeanne

Sweetina said...

Hello Birthday Girl!
I'd follow you anywhere! heehee!
I am a blog and fb follower,my Texan friend and I can't believe your Birthday is already here. It was just awhile back that you had your Half Birthday!
A celebration I am now adopting for myself!
100 followers! Congrats and heres to many many more.
You've got the best blog in Blogland~
Happy Birthday and I will get that book out to you thr first week od September~

Mary Lynn said...

Happy, happy birthday and congrats on incresing your followers!

mbourns at aol dot com

Robin said...

Hope you have a fabulous Birthday Jan!

Take Care - Robin

carylsrealm said...

Happy Happy Barbie Birthday to YOU!

Unknown said...

Hi Jan! Thanks for coming over to Dining With Debbie to check out Crock Pot Wednesday. Hmmm. Let's see if I can answer your questions: 1) prop the lid open on the crock pot toward the end of cooking in order to brown the top of the dressing. 2) Your name on Mister Linky links back to your problem. 3) When you post a crock pot recipe, link it back to my blog with Mister Linky. Just put your name in Jan (title of recipe) and then in the url box post the permalink to the recipe on your blog. Hope that makes sense. 4) I am following you on FB...networked blog. 5) I am following your blog. 6) I posted about your giftaway on my blog - enticingly, of course:) I didn't send you a bday gift...just lots of wishes for good fortune and happy days. I think that was it. If not, come back for another visit. Debbie

kecia deveney said...

happy birthday! i can't believe sept. 1st is almost here already. have a wonderful one!

SweetAnnee said...

WOW..I can't believe you're 56.. Happy Birthday Dear
and your giveaway is awesome!!!

I think I qualify for all the entries.
hugs to you Famous Jan

Anonymous said...

jan, jan.....if i teach you nothing else, it is don['t celebrate CELEBRATE birth-months. Your birthday comes at the very first of the month, and if you celebrate it as a birth-day, then it is over by the 2nd day of the month. But a birth-month....well that is not over until October 1. That means friends can give you birth-month gifts for 30 days. Those of us who hold you near and dear could invite you to lunch on the 11th, let's say, and STILL celebrate your birth-month.....and maybe gifts or a cake would be part of that celebration. Why oh why do you think I look like I really enjoyed turning 07....because if you are going to get older, you might just as well make the veeeeerrrry mosssssssssstttt of happy, happy birth-month, jannn.....i love yaaaaa! Rita Blanks

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Happy Birthday...What a cute post and a great blog.
Love your giveaway...

I also have one going, so come over for a visit...
Hope you will stop by and visit my new Christmas blog that I launched today. The button on my regular blog will take you right to it....

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and yes, you do look JUST like Barbie, but with bigger...well, you know! ha...wish we could all stay 24 forever! And congrats on the 125 as of right now followers!
you know I've loved you forever, since we "met" on ebay!

Roxie Morrow said...

I shine, YOU glow. I hoot, YOU laugh. I say potato, YOU say pototto. I just love you Jan! Hope you have the BEST Birthday EVER!! Wish I could be there to help you celebrate your 24th!!! LOL

OK, let's see....qaulifications:
*I wrote a glowing comment...SEE, I even used the word "glow". LOL

*I became a fan on

*I followed your

*I wrote a blog post about your Gift-away /

**BONUS ALERT** I posted about your Gift-away on FB!!! Is that a ticket for more entries? LOL

OK, I think my work here is finished. Have a great Birthday Jan! XOXO

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday X2!! Very exciting and I LOVE Barbie and yours is Gorgeous!! Have a wonderful day!

jeanne said...

Hi Jan, thanks for your email. I stopped by to tell you I added you to my favorites on my blog list. It is getting closer to your birthday. Have a great day on Sept. 1st.


Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon!!! is one of the most outstanding resourceful websites of its kind. I take advantage of reading it every day. I will be back.


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