Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009
If you're reading this and wondering what the heck I'm talking about, then scroll down to the post below this one and catch yourself up!
Okay, all of you precious Team Tina members, I have an update for you on Tina.
I haven't posted an update before now because there was a question as to how much information the family wanted made public...............Tina has colon cancer, has had surgery and one planned in the near future, will start chemo soon, is being taken care by an amazing oncologist in Dallas that she loves, and is determined to fight the fight with the help of God.
You know she has a very strong faith and I know that it is only with God that she will be able to get through the next days and the next days and the next days.
Her cancer is very serious and she needs all of the prayers you can muster up for her. Put her on your church prayer list, tell your friends that are prayer warriors, and you pray for her daily.
I still feel my world rocking every single day since I found out about her cancer. She is an amazing person and an incredible artist; someone I love dearly.
I'm in Michigan and will return home in a little over a week - I know there's going to be a ton of tags waiting for me to attach to the tag gate for Tina! I'm so excited about that - and if you haven't sent a tag yet and want to - please do!! The more tags, the more love shown and I know she is going to be SO SO blessed by your effort and time.
Thank you, y'all. You're wonderful.
(If you are a member of FaceBook, you can get updates on Tina (Tina Wright) there. Her husband, Will, is using FB to keep people updated on Tina's condition. I encourage you to check it out and to leave an encouraging note.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
So, I'm glad to see that you're running to this post *the flamingos - running - get it?* to help one of ours who is in need of our support!

Tina is caring, giving, always patient and kind, loves her family and friends and simply adores her grandkids! She is an incredible artist, specializes in soldering and soldered jewelry. She's a wonder, that's for sure, I am so blessed to call her a dear friend.

I want to make her a "tag gate" and I need YOU to do it!
A tag gate is an old metal gate, or facsimile, that I will fill with tags that have been made for her using decorated clothes pins and/or ribbons to attach them - this is something that she can prop on a dresser, hang on her wall, etc. It will be approximately 2 feet square or 2' x 3', so we need lots of tags to fill it!!
If you want to be a part of the Team Tina project, make a tag, any size, any design, with your name and email address on the back and send it to me NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 2ND.
Jan Thomason
Team Tina
5720 Hwy. 27
Center Point, Texas 78010
Thanks for your support and your willingness to bring joy into the life of Tina, one amazing woman!

Thanks everyone! I'll post all of the tags here after the 2nd and also show you the finished project. You're a blessing and so appreciated!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Hi, my name is Jan and I'm a Paper Cowgirl."
Y-E--E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E H-A-A-A-A-A-A-W-W-W-W!!
Paper Cowgirl is an art retreat in Waxahachie, Texas, that is the brain-child of Tina Wright and Cindy Mayfield. This past summer we held our second retreat. I had the extreme pleasure of teaching a class this summer and at the first retreat. What a blessing!
The classes that are offered and the teachers are amazing! The fellowship, fun, food, classes, shopping, treats, Tina and Cindy, new friendships made and old friendships renewed...I could go on and on! It's such a great retreat - it's affordable (we work really hard to keep it that way) and it's not too big that you get lost in the crowd............oh, and it's in T-E-X-A-S!!!
I hope you'll check out the paper cowgirl blog and see what I'm talking about. Maybe you will decide that it's something you just can't afford to miss!
xoxo, Jan

Mmmm-mmmm, somebody owns a vintage purse and brooch! AND THE WINNER IS.....................................