Showing posts with label Jan Vermillion-Thomason. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jan Vermillion-Thomason. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I started this story on Facebook and am going to finish it here.

For those of you that didn't read the fb entry, I went to the doctor yesterday about a blister on the bottom of my right big toe that, over the weekend, had ulcerated. I knew that it had, I had been on my feet for the past five days instead of staying off of my foot and taking care of it.

But, we all have choices to make and I chose to honor a commitment I had made that caused me to travel out of town and be on my feet like a regular person (said tongue in cheek). I had gone to my doctor last week about the blister and had been following her instructions. I could tell nothing was happening very quickly, but I went ahead and left town knowing that I would continue to take my antibiotics, keep the blister bandaged, clean, medicated, etc.

So, I went straight to my doctor when I got back in town (Monday), she sent me to my podiatrist (today) that took care of my ankles after my surgeries in '06 and she sent me straight out for an MRI to make sure the infection hadn't made it into the bone - if it had, get this, readers, I would probably "loose my toe". I wasn't laughing then, but now must shake my head with a tiny little smile on my face just thinking about the things I do that God takes care of for on....

Oh, and the radiologist noted a stress fracture of the 2nd metacarpal (I think that's the right word:)- probably caused by pushing down really hard on my bicycle pedals when riding up hills. But, the good news was that the infection was not in the bone. Praise God - I so don't deserve His unending care!

So. Here I sit, laptop in my, well, my lap, ice cold diet Cherry 7-Up on the table next to me, a stack of b'day cards to write of which I'm way behind, tons of pics on my camera's memory card to blog about, pictures to upload onto Flickr, blah, blah, blah. I have plenty to keep me busy until my next doctor's appointment on Monday. However, I doubt seriously I'll be back on my feet that soon. She'll probably keep me down for at least two weeks. (Now, that sucks. LOL)

Okey dokey, thought you'd want to know what was going on with me. Thanks for being such sweet readers. And, check back later this week, like in a couple of days, because I still have to blog about another one of Joan and my adventures during her visit AND the Paper Cowgirl art retreat!

Be safe! XOXO,

. . . . . . . . . . . .Jan

Monday, March 23, 2009


Oh, my goodness, now don't get upset with me.
Feel sorry for me.
My computer made me cry today.
Well, it wasn't exactly the computer that made me cry; it was the stupid new software I bought, Photo Explosion Deluxe.
The word "deluxe" should have been a clue.

You see, I had to get a new computer. Frank Two Pies' computer crashed and since his computer skills are *shhhhhh* laughable, I told him that I would get the new computer and he would get mine.
Makes sense, doesn't it?
I have/had Vista on my computer and hated it and was so excited to get a new computer with XP.
Ahhhhhhhh, XP. No more Vista.
Well, no more "I know it like the back of my hand" software program either - it couldn't be transferred because going from Vista to XP is going backwards in the world of Bill Gates.
When you really think about Vista, however, you realize how stupid that sounds.

But, alas, I couldn't take my Microsoft Picture It 9 with me so I had to buy a new program.
An easy program simply for fixing the photos of my art for my shops, that's all I wanted.
I have Adobe Photoshop Elements 2 (don't ask) but I don't have six weeks to learn it.
I needed a software program that I could use NOW.
So, I wasted all day yesterday trying to find a store online and in San Antonio that had my baby.
Nowhere to be found.
So I buy the new software program thinking to myself, "How hard can it be to learn??? It's only 40.00". And by bedtime last night I was in tears.
And, then this morning found me crying, trying to make it work.
It's a stupid program. Don't buy it.

Then, tonight, my over-used, very decayed, not-all-there, brain kicked in and I remembered,
DER - Picture It 9 is still on Two Pies computer!!

So, I've taken some pictures of what I think would make lovely Easter presents and simply must get them before you as Easter is but a few days away! I need to get them listed in my shops, and I will, but first, my blog.
And then..........................THE NEXT GIVEAWAY! Why, I've already got the post ready to go - just want to give y'all a few days to buy up all of these banners I've made (Just leave your email on your comment telling me which one you want and I'll catch ya later. Don't dally - they're going to go like hot cakes. LOL).

Here ya go - my labors of love...............
A close-up of "R and I" to give you a better idea of what it looks like. Those are glittered eggs hanging between each banner flag - so darling!
And, "N and G".


OH, MY GOSH!!! Am I seeing this right??? Have I not looked at this picture a hundred times?
Did I not make this banner?
Do I not know how to spell "NEST"??? ROTF!!
It will be fixed tomorrow, I promise!! *still laughing and shaking my head!A couple of close-ups so you can see how the banner would look with just two letters. hahaha

Okay, I'm off to bed. I'm obviously fried.
I love all of you, my sweet readers!! That's the only reason I can post such a mistake! LOL
. . .Jan


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