Friday, November 16, 2007


I have an "art friend", Karyn Gartel, who is an amazing artist and she has come up with an amazing idea! She has started a business online and through it is teaching online art classes.
I have been a customer of hers for a long time, own a couple of her original pieces, some prints, collage sheets, and notecard sets. I love her work and I love her online art classes!

The concept is very simple - you pick a class you would like to take from her, you buy it through PayPal, you have a start date, a supply list to gather, and Karyn takes it from there!

The piece you see here is an example of her next class, JUST JUNQUE-IT: Jan 7-Feb 11, '08.
The time requirement for this particular class is 4 -6 hours and the skill level works for ALL Levels.
The six week class is set up like this:
Week 1: Structure of a recessed niche
Week 2: Let's paint!
Week 3: Can we talk Junque?
Week 4: Adhesives: a sticky subject
Week 5: Building a niche of your own
Week 6: Finishing it off
The techniques she will cover include hand painted backgrounds, methods of adhering 3D objects onto canvas, and creating niches in canvas. You will also discuss how to build meaning into your pieces. Each student will complete at least one finished canvas...
Oh, listen to me go on and on about Karyn's class! I should let her tell you about it!!
Simply go to her website, Altered Diva Online Workshops, and let her tell you all about this class and explore her website.....she's amazing and you will be so happy that you took the time to share in today's blessing,
And let me know if I'll be seeing you in class in January!

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