Monday, November 12, 2007


When I was writing my blog post last night (the Gift of Laughter) I kept thinking about the email 'forwards' that I have received over the years.
There's like two know what I'm talking about - well, some of you do.

There are the forwards that are SUPPOSED to be funny that are simply, well, dim.
That's certainly no reflection on the sender....and it's okay because you come to recognize the sender's name, you see the word "forward" and you simply delete and go on your way.

Ahhhhhh, but then there's the forwards that are SUPPOSED to be funny THAT ARE FUNNY!.....You see the sender's name, you see the word "forward", and you know you are fixin to laugh out loud!!! WOOHOO!!

I have a folder for "forwards" I want to keep. The ones that make me laugh out loud, blow diet Coke out of my nose, snort, put my head between my knees so I won't faint from not being able to breathe - it's for the ones that I KNOW I will never tire of - the one's that I will want to pass down to my children's children.

This is one of those 'keepers'. It may very well be my all time favorite.

Watch it, make a 'keepers' folder for it and then forward'll be on your way to getting that reputation we all covet....the sender of fowards that ARE funny!

It's called Mother's Day.

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